Friday, December 2, 2011

Dreadfleet Part 7: Zombies!

Part 7 of thoughts and tips on the latest mega-box from Games Workshop. This article deals with the Skabarus.

Warhammer Games Workshop Miniature Dreadfleet Skaven Ship Skabarus

Gloriously disgusting.
For those of you who aren't familiar with the lore, the Skabarus is an undead whale filled with the undead remains of an entire Skaven warfleet it consumed who then promptly killed it from the inside. Noctus raised the whale with a huge necromancy spell and the Skaven popped back to life as well. Thus, we have the Zombie Whale...

Gross, yet awesome.

It's actually not as bad when assembled. The part of this model that really disturbs me is the base. For some reason, GW chose to sculpt intestines and who knows what else on the base of this model, which I painstakingly painted, thinking that the open top would show the work. As you can see in the above picture, even bright lights won't show any of the insides of this thing.

Big tip for painters: just throw down a single color and a wash on the base and be done with it. It's impossible to see all the work I did, save for the copper sphere that's sticking out from the back of the base. After you get that piece done, you're free to move on.

I painted the wrecked ships for my accessory, which was a great highlight to this week's job. The super rusted, dwarven warship is a standout piece, not only for it's color, but the character of the waves that engulf it. Just beautiful.

The bad guy ships continue next time with the Mecha-Kraken!