Friday, April 27, 2012

Legion of Everblight (2): Ravagor and Shredders

After completing Super Dungeon Explore last week, it really threw me for a loop to come back to something as intricate as Hordes, but I was ready for a little detail work. Where SDE was about being cut loose to do your own thing with minimal interfere from the sculptors, painting Hordes is like being walked through an extensive, yet well made, tutorial. 

Privateer Press Hordes Legion of Everblight Shredder

These Shredders looked just a little too happy to be on the table. It was a great choice in the design stage to remove the eyes from these dragon-spawn. There's something delightfully creepy about the whole affair. I worked with a brighter shade of green as was intended for the smaller warbeasts.

Privateer Press Hordes Legion of Everblight Ravagor Warbeast

I had read a lot of negative comments concerning Privateer Press' plastic offerings, but I'm happy to report that I had no trouble when it came to painting the Ravagor. The paint applied smoothly with no curling/flaking, the cast was solid, and it was a fantastic change of pace to work with such a light model.

When it comes to working on the odd angles and underside pieces of the kit that are hard to reach, having a light, durable model is a game changer. I know that for miniature companies, plastic kits are a heavy investment of time and money that limits their availability, but from a hobbyist perspective, it's worth every penny.

Privateer Press Hordes Legion of Everblight Ravagor Shredder

And so we're a couple steps closer to that 35 point goal. Next week we're setting the beasties aside and going for some infantry to round out the ranks!

Privateer Press Hordes Legion of Everblight