Friday, April 20, 2012

Super Dungeon Explore!

Every now and then a project comes along that I simply have no choice but to accept. 

Soda Pop Miniatures Super Dungeon Explore Heroes Treasure

I had seen some of the early concept work for Super Dungeon Explore (SDE), but it fell off my radar. When I was contacted out of the blue by a client wanting his SDE heroes painted up, I went in search of some reference material, and was instantly blown away. When I rant and rave that sculptors aren't allowed to have fun with their work, this is why. This is the shining golden example of exactly what can be accomplished when the boss steps back and lets the artists do their work.

Soda Pop Miniatures Super Dungeon Explore Wizard Sorceress

Every model in this box is a masterpiece. The characters measure roughly three-quarters the height of a space marine but they pack enough personality to match an entire squad. The smooth, flowing lines of the design give the sculpt a sense of movement that carries it right through the painting process. Sometimes I have to guess where the sculptor wanted me to place the details, here it was clear as day.

Soda Pop Miniatures Super Dungeon Explore Barbarian

Speaking of clear instructions, one of the biggest things about this box that really impressed me was the sheer intelligence behind the casting design. Every model comes pinned as part of it's mold. But this isn't your typical GW fare, little pointy pieces of plastic that snap in half if you look at it funny. These pins are serious business, easily overkill for such small plastic models; perfection. The best part has to be the shape of the pins, not a cylinder like we're used to seeing, but an "L" shape, which pulls double duty as a guide. Every piece is at the right angle, orientation, and position. There is one glaring exception, the dragon, a train-wreck of a design next to his fellows, but beautiful when finally assembled (and green-stuffed). 

Soda Pop Miniatures Super Dungeon Explore Druid

I only painted the heroes for my client, but I'm sure the baddies are just as fun to paint as these fellows. The evil models have just as much care and quirkyness in each sculpt, especially the club-wielding giants. But for my money, there is one model in this box that justifies the price tag alone, ladies and gentlemen, I give you the big angry bear:

Soda Pop Miniatures Super Dungeon Explore Big Angry Bear

Best. Model. Ever. 

Next week we're back with the Legion of Everblight, checking out the (in)famous Privateer Press plastic offerings as well as some little baddies to help flesh out the ranks.