Friday, June 22, 2012

2012 CS Challenge Wrap-Up: Part 1

As I'm working on all the new illustration projects, some secret some not, I realized I never posted the remaining models from my collection that I had painted as part of the 2012 CS Challenge. Over the next few weeks I'll be posting these models (in no particular order). Enjoy!

Imperial Guard: Vostroyan Sniper Warhammer 40k
Imperial Guard: Vostroyan Sniper

Imperial Guard: Vostroyan Sniper Warhammer 40k

Imperial Guard: Vostroyan Sniper Cadia Warhammer 40k
Imperial Guard: Cadian Style Vostroyan Sniper

Lords of the Rings: Denethor Painted Miniature
Lords of the Rings: Denethor

Lords of the Rings: Denethor Painted Miniature

Ork Mek Boy Warhammer 40k
Orks: Mek Boy

Ork Runt Herd Warhammer 40k Squig
Orks: Runt Herd 

Ork Runt Herd Warhammer 40k Squig